If Game of Thrones Featured Tennis Stars

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Rafael Nadal as Cersei Lannister

For so long Cersei Lannister seemed untouchable as she maintained her position with apparent ease. The tireless work she carried out behind the scenes to remain at the top resembles the hours on the practice court from Rafael Nadal, who also seemed safe at the head of men’s tennis.

The higher they rise, the harder they fall, however, as Cersei and Rafa both suffered dramatic falls from grace. It was not entirely unexpected as Nadal’s knees and Cersei’s enemies grew more unpredictable and as time went by, could not be relied upon.

They have now been humbled by some outcomes that may have dented their confidence, but not their desire to return to the top. You can never discount either from returning to their place of power. Such returns may only be a matter of time. We haven’t seen the last of that resting bitch face that both Cersei and Rafa execute to perfection

Next: Novak Djokovic