World is a happier place: Toth gets destroyed at Hungarian Grand Prix

(Photo by Michael Regan/Getty Images)
(Photo by Michael Regan/Getty Images) /

Kateryna Baindl did the world a favor on Thursday and handily beat a player she shouldn’t have been playing in the first place. That player is Amarissa Toth. Toth, of course, is the player who lacked any semblance of good sportsmanship in her defeat of Zhang Shuai on Tuesday and celebrated as Zhang Shuai sat in tears after a call was horribly missed in the tight match between Toth and Zhang Shuai.

Toth played awfully versus Baindl, possibly due to her knowledge most of the world was hoping she would lose. Toth won just 11 of her 28 first serves and was broken five times. She had one ace but double-faulted three times. She’s simply not a good player but earned some WTA tour points with her false win over Zhang Shuai.

Asa quick reminder, on Tuesday Zhang Shuai was playing Amarissa Toth at the Hungarian Grand Prix. Zhang hit a crosscourt forehand that caught the line for a winner. Only the ball was called out. Zhang asked for a review which wasn’t properly done and then asked the tournament supervisor. The supervisor came and said she didn’t check the line calls. Interesting.

Amarissa Toth goes down hard at the Hungarian Grand Prix

Zhang kept disputing the call during the time another point was played, and Toth began laughing before going over to the mark where the ball hit and wiping it out with her foot. After the game was done, Zhang sat in her chair uncontrollably yet understandably emotional about the previous events, and then Zhang retired because of her emotions, Toth celebrated as if she had actually done something to win the tournament other than being a horrible human being.

Matters got even worse after the Hungarian Grand Prix itself on the tournament’s Facebook page said that Toth, who is also Hungarian, did nothing wrong but that the country from which Zhang Shuai, China, had. It should be noted that China did not need to do anything with the video of what occurred during Zhang’s match on Tuesday as anyone with footage from the match itself can see what unfolded.

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Basically, if I were in charge of the WTA, and mind you I am not, I would stop any sanctioning of the Hungarian Grand Prix as a tour event and I would discipline Amarissa Toth and take any points away she may have earned. Not much else can be changed at this point, but it would make the world a slightly better place.